
Foi instalado screen (v. 3.2). Esse programa permite que se criem várias janelas em um terminal comum, cada uma com seu programa. Especialmente útil para quem entra no sistema com o kermit a partir de casa. Essas janelas podem ser "destacadas" de um terminal e passadas para outro, ou guardadas de uma sessão para outra.

Abaixo vai uma cópia do arquivo README do programa; a página de manual é bem completa e inteligível. Alguns comentários:

a) Um arquivo de inicialização sugerido pelo autor do screen e
   ligeiramente modificado por mim está em
   /usr/local/etc/sample.iscreenrc .  Quem for usar o screen e
   quiser adaptá-lo a seu gosto pode instalar uma cópia como
   ~/.iscreenrc .

b) Entre as modificações que sugiro fortemente está mudar o
   escape de C-A para C-O; as pessoas que usam emacs, ksh ou bash
   perceberão porque.

Short introduction to screen (Version 3.0.7)                  jw 7.9.91

provides you with an ansi/vt100 terminal emulator, which can multiplex
up to 10 pseudo-terminals. On startup, it executes $SHELL in window 0.
Then it reads $HOME/.iscreenrc to learn configuration, keybindings, 
and may open more windows.

C-A C		Create new windows.

C-A SPACE	Advance from window to window (with wraparound)

C-A C-A	Toggle between two windows.

C-A 0
C-A 9		Switch to window nr. 0 ... 9.

C-A w		Show a list of windows in the Statusline.

C-A a		(Think of goto-start-of-line in emacs or tcsh).
C-A s		(Think of i-search in emacs).
C-A q		Send a literal C-A/C-S/C-Q to the process in the window.

C-A l		Redraw this window.

C-A W		Toggle between 80 & 132 columns mode. 

C-A L		Try to toggle the utmp-slot for this window.

C-A A		Prompt for a new name for this window. (see C-A w).

C-A z		Suspend the whole screen.

C-A x		Execute /usr/bin/lock or $LOCKCMD or a builtin terminallock.

  C-A C-[	Start copy&paste mode. Move cursor with h,j,k,l. Set 2 marks
		with SPACE or y. Abort with ESC. Note that "C-[" is ESC.
		NOTE: there is a userdefined amount of scrollback history.
                The history buffer is entered, when the cursor hits the top
		of the window.

  C-A C-]	paste in current window's stdin. see C-A C-[.

  C-A <
  C-A >		Read or write the copybuffer from/to the exchange file.
		Multiple screen users on the same host may thus transfer text.

  C-A d		Detach screen. All processes continue and may spool output
		to their pty's, but screen disconnects from your terminal.
		reattach with "screen -r".

  C-A D D	Power detach. Disconnect like C-A d and kill the parent shell.

  C-A K		Kill a window and send SIGHUP to its processgroup. Per default
		this would be C-A C-k. But it is redefined in the demo .screenrc
		(think of killing a whole line in emacs).

  C-A :set all  Show all keybindings. The above list is not at all complete and
		may even be wrong, as keys can be redefined in .screenrc or
		with "C-A :bind 'X' keyname [arguments]".

  C-A : ....  Online configuration change.

screen -r [host.tty]
  Reattach a detached screen session. The terminal emulator reconfigures
  according to your $TERMCAP or $TERM settings. '-R' brings up a detached
  session or (if none) creates a new session. You should specify a socket
  when there you have multiple screens detached. 

screen -d [host.tty]
  Detach a screen session from remote. Has the same effect as typing 'C-A d'
  on the controlling terminal. '-D' will power-detach.

screen -list
screen -ls
  Show all available sockets. If there are (DEAD???) sockets, you may consider 
  removing them. If there are sockets missing, you may send a SIGCHLD to its
  process 'SCREEN' and the process will re-establish the socket. (think of 
  someone cleaning /tmp thoroughly).

screen -h 200
  Starts a new screen session and sets the number of lines in the scrollback
  buffer to 200. The default is 50 lines.