Long Vacation Episode #9

-Ryoko and Sena performs for Okajima, who is a collegue of Sasaki and
is the other nominator for them to be able to perform at the Otowadou.
Okajima really enjoys Ryoko's playing but is not impressed at Sena's.
He tells Sena that he doesnt have time to listen to him practice, so
he can come back if he improves. Sena is upset.
-Sugisaki helps Minami with her new place. He tells her the reasons of
why he got divorced and stuff like that. Minami is happy that he is
telling her these stuff instead of keeping it a secret.
-Sena&Ryoko is walking and a truck almost hits Ryoko. Sena, while
pulling her back, scrapes his hand on a cement wall. He tells Ryoko
thank god it wasnt Ryoko because she needs her hands to be in good
shape in order to perform good at the Otowadou. He doesnt really need
his hands since he is not all that good. He says these things because
he is upset bout Okajima.
-At the apt, Sena locks the piano shut.
-Shinji comes to visit him at the apt.  Shinji tries to open the piano
to play but sees that it is locked. Sena tells him that he decided to
stop playing and go get a normal job and be a normal person. Shinji
tells him that one of the regrets he has is to have quit playing the
piano. They go on talking and Shinji decided to move in to Minami's
old room.
-Minami helps Shinji move in with his stuff. Shinji tells her that
Sena decided to quit piano and is now working as a sales clerk in a
department store. He is also going to sell the piano. Minami sees that
the piano is covered in a white sheet and is ready to be sent away.
Minami is not happy about this. While she helps Shinji with his stuff,
she remembers all the fun times she had with Sena and is a bit sad.
-Sena comes home and is about to pour himself a glass of water, when
he remembers the time when he had to tell Minami to use a cup instead
of drinking straight from the bottle. He puts the cup down and drinks
straight from the bottle.
-Next day. Sena is working at a tie section at a department store.
Minami comes. He is surprised to see her. She acts all normal and buys
a tie from him, then puts it in his pocket and tells him to wear it at
the Otowadou competition. He starts to tell her that he is not playing
anymore but she interrups him and asks him why he quit.  Sena tells
her that he doesnt have talent. He says there is going to be a miracle
if he can make it as a pianist. Minami tells him that she believes in
miracles but Sena says its too late.
-Ryoko is practicing piano at her place. Shinji is there too. But he
is very bored so he leaves.
-Minami goes to Shinji and she hums him the "wonderful piece" to see
if he knows what it is. He knows so she asks him to write the notes
down for her.
-Minami goes to YAMAHA school to learn piano. She also buys herself a
small electric keyboard.
-Momoko is at Minami's place. Minami explains that she really wants to
learn how to play the "wonderful piece". Momoko asks Minami "do u like
Sena?" She says to Momoko that he is just a friend.
-Sena's piano is being moved today and Shinji tells Sena that he will
be there to let the movers come in to pick it up.
-Shinji is at club and realizes he can't be at Sena's for the pick-up
so he calls minami and tells her to be at Sena's place.
-Ru talks with Shinji and asks him how things r going with Ryoko. He
says that she is busy practicing for the competition so they dont see
eachother that much no more. Ru asks him "can u come back to me?" He
says "what?! dont talk stupid....." But his expressison seems to be
considering it.
-that night. Sena is walking home and hears the "wonderful piece"
coming from his house. He is surprised because the piano is supposed
to be shipped off by now and there is someone playing it. He runs
inside and sees Minami playing the piano. She tells him that she told
the movers to come back another day cause she wanted Sena to hear her
play. She then starts to play the "wonderful piece". Sena is moved and
tears flow down his face. He asks her "why?" She tells him that she
was able to play this piece in just a couple of days....which is a
miracle.  She wanted to show Sena that miracles exists.  She tells him
also that on the night of her birthday, when she was about to run off,
she was saved by listening to this song, so she wanted to save him
with it too. She starts to play again. He wipes his tears and comes to
the piano. He starts to teach her to play more properly. She tells him
"u better practice!" and starts to leave. Sena asks her, "r u going to
get married?" she says "probably" and leaves. He starts to play the
"wonderful piece" and she stops outside and listens. When he finishes,
he starts to play the "wedding march". She is surprised. She walks
home and thinks about him the whole time. Sena is also thinking about
her. He jumps up and runs out the door towards Minami's apt. Minami is
sitting at her house and is thinking about him. Then the door bell
rings, hoping that its Sena she opens the door. It is Sugisaki. He
asks her if she wants to get something to eat. So she goes with him to
the car. Just then, Sena comes and sees Minami getting into Sugisaki's

Next Episode #10