Faking questionnaires isn't a terribly effective way of combatting marketing strategists. But it can't hurt. Proof: Mediaweek published a special report, "A Crisis In Research," detailing the increasingly difficult time pollsters are having with inaccuracies. Other trade magazines (Electronic Age, Advertising Age) have reported the growing number of slip-ups with the Nielsons and Arbitrons. Particularly off are polls gauging the cynical 18-34 yr old set 'cause fewer of them respond and even fewer tell the truth. If surveys and polls start losing their power, marketers will look for more effective ways to buy "real estate in the mind"...which is why even more important than lying to marketers is critically examining their tactics. So in the near future, we'll look at some typical survey questions and what they mean. In the mean time, email any survey tips / questionnaire URLs / suggestions / inside information to me at carrie@matador.recs.com. HELP SUPPORT THE FIGHT TO BRING BACK ANONYMOUS, IMPERSONAL SELLING!!!
Thank you,